Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts are a powerful way to enhance browsing efficiency and streamline navigation. Whether you’re managing multiple tabs, accessing essential browser functions, or improving workflow, these shortcuts help you perform tasks quickly without relying on a mouse. By integrating these Firefox keyboard shortcuts into your daily browsing routine, you can boost productivity, save time, and enjoy a smoother web experience. In the following table, we will explore the most useful shortcuts that can help you navigate Firefox like a pro.

firefox keyboard shortcuts
Mozilla Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts

Why Firefox Browser?

Firefox stands out as a powerful, privacy-focused browser that prioritizes user security and performance. Unlike many competitors, Firefox is an open-source browser developed by Mozilla, a non-profit organization dedicated to an open and accessible internet. With built-in tracking protection, enhanced security features, and a commitment to user data privacy, Firefox ensures a safer browsing experience. It also offers customization options, lightweight performance, and a vast library of extensions to enhance functionality. Whether you need speed, security, or flexibility, Firefox Browser is a top choice for users who value control over their online experience.

List of Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts

Here is a well-structured table listing essential Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts for both Windows and Mac OS users:

Here’s a comprehensive table of Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts organized by functionality areas. The table includes Functionality, Action, Windows/Linux Shortcuts, and Mac OS Shortcuts:

FunctionalityActionWindows/Linux ShortcutMac OS Shortcut
NavigationOpen a new windowCtrl + NCommand + N
Open a new private windowCtrl + Shift + PCommand + Shift + P
Open a new tabCtrl + TCommand + T
Reopen closed tabCtrl + Shift + TCommand + Shift + T
Go backAlt + Left ArrowCommand + [
Go forwardAlt + Right ArrowCommand + ]
Reload current pageF5 or Ctrl + RCommand + R
Reload (ignore cache)Ctrl + F5 or Ctrl + Shift + RCommand + Shift + R
Stop page loadingEscEsc
Open homepageAlt + HomeOption + Home
Move to address barCtrl + L or F6Command + L
Current PageScroll downSpace or Page DownSpace or Fn + Down Arrow
Scroll upShift + Space or Page UpShift + Space or Fn + Up Arrow
Go to top of pageHomeFn + Left Arrow
Go to bottom of pageEndFn + Right Arrow
Zoom inCtrl + +Command + +
Zoom outCtrl + -Command + -
Reset zoomCtrl + 0Command + 0
EditingCopyCtrl + CCommand + C
CutCtrl + XCommand + X
PasteCtrl + VCommand + V
UndoCtrl + ZCommand + Z
RedoCtrl + YCommand + Shift + Z
Select allCtrl + ACommand + A
SearchFind in pageCtrl + FCommand + F
Find nextCtrl + GCommand + G
Find previousCtrl + Shift + GCommand + Shift + G
Quick search within link text' (apostrophe)' (apostrophe)
Search the webCtrl + KCommand + K
Windows & TabsClose current tabCtrl + WCommand + W
Close current windowCtrl + Shift + WCommand + Shift + W
Switch to next tabCtrl + TabControl + Tab
Switch to previous tabCtrl + Shift + TabControl + Shift + Tab
Move tab leftCtrl + Shift + Page UpCommand + Shift + Left Arrow
Move tab rightCtrl + Shift + Page DownCommand + Shift + Right Arrow
Duplicate tabCtrl + Shift + DCommand + Shift + D
Pin/Unpin tabCtrl + Shift + Click on TabCommand + Shift + Click on Tab
Mute/Unmute tabCtrl + MCommand + M
HistoryOpen browsing historyCtrl + HCommand + Y
Open download historyCtrl + JCommand + Shift + J
Clear recent historyCtrl + Shift + DeleteCommand + Shift + Delete
BookmarksBookmark current pageCtrl + DCommand + D
Bookmark all tabsCtrl + Shift + DCommand + Shift + D
Open bookmarks managerCtrl + Shift + OCommand + Option + B
ToolsOpen Firefox menuAlt or F10Option or F10
Open developer toolsCtrl + Shift + I or F12Command + Option + I
Open consoleCtrl + Shift + KCommand + Option + K
Open page sourceCtrl + UCommand + U
Open Firefox settingsAlt + E then SCommand + ,
PDF ViewerZoom inCtrl + +Command + +
Zoom outCtrl + -Command + -
Fit to widthCtrl + 0Command + 0
Rotate clockwiseRR
Rotate counterclockwiseShift + RShift + R
MiscellaneousOpen fileCtrl + OCommand + O
Save pageCtrl + SCommand + S
Print pageCtrl + PCommand + P
Toggle full-screen modeF11Control + Command + F
Toggle bookmarks barCtrl + Shift + BCommand + Shift + B
Media ShortcutsPlay/Pause mediaSpaceSpace
Mute/Unmute mediaCtrl + MCommand + M
Increase volumeUp ArrowUp Arrow
Decrease volumeDown ArrowDown Arrow
Selection of Multiple TabsSelect multiple tabsCtrl + ClickCommand + Click
Developer ShortcutsInspect elementCtrl + Shift + CCommand + Option + C
DebuggerCtrl + Shift + SCommand + Option + S
Network monitorCtrl + Shift + QCommand + Option + Q
Responsive design modeCtrl + Shift + MCommand + Option + M

The above table provides a comprehensive list of Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts for both Windows and Mac OS, helping users navigate the browser more efficiently. These shortcuts cover essential functions like tab and window management, page navigation, refreshing, zooming, and accessing frequently used tools such as bookmarks, history, and the developer console. Whether you’re a casual user or a power browser, mastering these Firefox Keyboard Shortcuts will enhance your browsing experience, streamline workflow, and save valuable time.

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