If you are an Adobe Illustrator user, mastering Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts can help you in boosting your productivity and efficiency while designing. Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, knowing the right shortcuts helps you navigate the interface, switch tools quickly, and execute commands without interrupting your creative flow. From selecting objects to applying effects and managing layers, these shortcuts allow you to work faster and more precisely. In this guide, we’ll explore the most essential Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts to help you streamline your workflow and take your designs to the next level.

adobe illustrator keyboard shortcuts
Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts

List of Adobe Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts

Here’s a comprehensive list of Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcuts, categorized for different functions.

Illustrator Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows OS and Mac OS

Here’s a comprehensive list of Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcuts for both Windows and Mac OS, categorized for different functions.

SectionActionWindows ShortcutMac OS Shortcut
File OperationsNew DocumentCtrl + NCmd + N
Open DocumentCtrl + OCmd + O
Save DocumentCtrl + SCmd + S
Save AsCtrl + Shift + SCmd + Shift + S
PrintCtrl + PCmd + P
EditingUndoCtrl + ZCmd + Z
RedoCtrl + Shift + ZCmd + Shift + Z
CutCtrl + XCmd + X
CopyCtrl + CCmd + C
PasteCtrl + VCmd + V
Paste in PlaceCtrl + Shift + VCmd + Shift + V
Select AllCtrl + ACmd + A
DeselectCtrl + Shift + ACmd + Shift + A
ToolsSelection ToolVV
Direct Selection ToolAA
Pen ToolPP
Brush ToolBB
Type ToolTT
Rectangle ToolMM
Eyedropper ToolII
NavigationZoom InCtrl + +Cmd + +
Zoom OutCtrl + -Cmd + -
Fit Artboard in WindowCtrl + 0Cmd + 0
Hand Tool (Move View)HH
Layers & ObjectsBring to FrontCtrl + Shift + ]Cmd + Shift + ]
Send to BackCtrl + Shift + [Cmd + Shift + [
Lock ObjectCtrl + 2Cmd + 2
Unlock AllCtrl + Alt + 2Cmd + Option + 2
Group ObjectsCtrl + GCmd + G
Ungroup ObjectsCtrl + Shift + GCmd + Shift + G
Align & TransformAlign Objects LeftShift + Ctrl + LShift + Cmd + L
Align Objects RightShift + Ctrl + RShift + Cmd + R
Rotate ObjectRR
Scale ObjectSS
Reflect ObjectOO
Guides & GridsShow/Hide RulersCtrl + RCmd + R
Show/Hide GuidesCtrl + ;Cmd + ;
Lock/Unlock GuidesCtrl + Alt + ;Cmd + Option + ;
Snap to GridCtrl + Shift + 'Cmd + Shift + '
Text & TypographyIncrease Font SizeCtrl + Shift + >Cmd + Shift + >
Decrease Font SizeCtrl + Shift + <Cmd + Shift + <
Convert Text to OutlinesCtrl + Shift + OCmd + Shift + O
Toggle Character/Paragraph PanelCtrl + TCmd + T
Effects & AppearanceExpand AppearanceCtrl + Shift + ECmd + Shift + E
Apply Last EffectCtrl + Shift + Alt + ECmd + Shift + Option + E
Hide/Show All EffectsCtrl + HCmd + H
Export & OutputExport AsCtrl + Shift + ECmd + Shift + E
Package FilesCtrl + Shift + PCmd + Shift + P
Save for Web (Legacy)Ctrl + Shift + Alt + SCmd + Shift + Option + S

This list of Adobe Illustrator keyboard shortcuts will help you boost efficiency and speed up your design workflow.

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